George Wassouf started his music career and his fame when he moved to Lebanon, where he grew.
At the age of 16 when he became known as Sultan El Tarab as called by the famous international Actor Omar Sharif, Arabic for The Sultan of Music, with his classic song El-Hawa Sultan.
George Wassouf was the only one to provide tarab with his magical voice that was very sharp and high pitched when he was young. As George Wassouf grew his voice became more matured and deep.
El Hawa Sultan, Rohi ya Nesmah, Helif Al Amar, and Law Naweit were the songs which got George Wassouf Famous.
George Family name (Wassouf) is the name of a statue God that was worshiped in the Middle Ages around 1500 b.c.
Wassouf''s magical voice was discovered by his first manager and producer George Ibraheem El Khouri.
George Wassouf Fame started from the famous Lebanese show Studio El Fan in 1980 when he was only 16 years old, surprisingly he was called at this time Sultan Al Tarab.
George Wassouf got married at the age of 21 to Shalimar, who is originally from Sierra Leone. The couple has three children: Wadee, Hatem, and George Jr. His oldest son''s name is Wadee'', this is why he is known as Abou Wadee.
George Wassouf has produced more than 31 albums and has performed concerts all around the world.
Many Arab singers are jealous of George Wassouf this is why they try to copy his unique style and performance. Some of the younger singers who attempt to copy his style are George al-Rassi and Wael Jassar.
George Wassouf is not only famous in the Arab World but is also known in Europe and the States as one of the best Arabian singers.
It is a fact that George Wassouf does not like to shoot his songs as video clips although he had some successful hits in the early 1990s, he used to say about this: "I don''t feel I can act ... I really can''t... I only find myself when I''m on the stage ... singing, but the video clip forces me to act".
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Commentaires textes : Écrire
1. Save time.
2. Can sleep well.
3. Don't have 2 worry about missed calls..
4. Don't have to worry about how u look..
5. Can eat in any restaurant..
6. No boring sms in the middle of night..
7. Can talk with any boy/girl...
8. You won't hear "aaw.. U r dull today"..
9. Can go anywhere with any one..
10. Don't have 2 listen same old crap jokes..
BONUS:- U will live a long life.......so be aware of LOVER
Never search for your happiness in others which will make you feel ALONE..
Search for it in yourself, you feel happy even when you are left alone..
happy to be SINGLE :D now ;)