Awesome Love poem
Do you love me, or do u not?
You told me once but I forgot
so tell me now and tell me true,
so I can tell you.....I love you!
of all the girls/guys (depends if you're a female or male)I've ever met,
you are the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
If you are not there by judgment day,
I'll know you went the other way,
I'll give the angels back their wings,
And risk the loss of everything,
Just to prove my love is ture,
I'll go to hell to be with you.
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How To Kiss
Enjoy yourself kissing someone special !
- A
dvanced kissing.

Enjoy yourself kissing someone special !
The basics of moving to more advanced kissing ;
If your first simple kissing has gone fine, then slowly and lightly draw your tongue across the other person's lips. If the other person lightly parts their lips, slowly explore the other person's tongue in a light licking motion. The tongue is very sensitive, so tongue to tongue is the basis of french kissing.
Note these essentials ;
HANDS should be used gently, and having started with waist, back and shoulders go on to caressing hair and face. Do especially go ahead and touch hair. (And don't use sticky hairspray or goo, then your date can enjoy touching your hair.)
EYES at first should mostly be closed, but go on to eyes opened at times, especially if your date does.
SOUNDS like moaning and groaning should at first be avoided, but go on to the occasional mmmm, groan or smacky sound especially if your date does.
TONGUE action should start slowly and involve a give-and-take, with both parties allowed the opportunity for interaction.
STOP when it feels right, hug, kiss the neck, then kiss again if your date wants to.
French kissing variations to try, which your date may or may not like more ;
1. Flicker the tip of your tongue on the tip of theirs.
2. Rotate your tongue in a circular motion.
3. Tickle the roof of your date's mouth with your tongue.
4. Play chase tongues back and forth.
5. Suck your partner's tongue.
Do note that different people can prefer different ways of kissing, so there is really no wrong way to kiss. Trying the above will help you to find out what your partner likes, and to then go with that. And kissing does not have to be mouth only, you can go on to kiss their neck, cheeks, chin and maybe more if they like it.
How To Kiss advice is for boy, girl, man, woman, single, divorced, separated, widowed, single parent, teen, middle aged or older.
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Tony Bavaar
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Ba da, ba da, ba da da da
Ba da, ba da, ba da da da
You won't admit you love me
And so how am I ever to know?
You always tell me
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
A million times I've asked you,
And then I ask you over again
You only answer
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
If you can't make your mind up
We'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up
Being parted, broken-hearted
So if you really love me
Say yes, but if you don't dear, confess
And please don't tell me
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
If you can't make your mind up
We'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up
Being parted, broken-hearted
So if you really love me
Say yes, but if you don't dear, confess
And please don't tell me
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Perhaps, perhaps, (giggle) perhaps
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Diaaضيا 9; الطي 1576;ي
ضياء الطيبي
22 سنة، تدرس إدارة الأعمال، تعيش مع والدتها بعد انفصالها عن والدها، رومنسية وحساسة، وتلجأ إلى الغناء والتلحين للتعبير عن احساسها. تتقن الإنكليزية والفرنسية وهواياتها كرة السلة والركض.
هوايات فنية أخرى غير الغناء (عددها واذكر أهمية كل واحدة بالنسبة إليك)
التلحين، والتأليف.
هوايات غير فنية
الرياضة، والطبخ.
عدد الأخوة 1 عدد الأخوات
فيلم سينمائي أحببته
“ Fight Club”.
طموحك في الحياة
أكثر ما تكرهه في العلاقات الإنسانية
عدم احترام الآخر.
أكثر ما تحب في العلاقات الإنسانية
الإحترام، والتقدير
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